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Monday, March 3, 2025

Arts and Culture


Pope Francis Names Costa Rican Coffee Best in the World

Pope Francis chose Costa Rican coffee. During the traditional Wednesday audience in Vatican City, the head of the Catholic Church expressed his appreciation for...

When Bocas del Toro, Panama was part of Costa Rica

Look closely at this mid-1800s map of Costa Rica, and you might spot some major differences. 

Is Costa Rica the New Hotspot for Celebrity Vacations and Special Occasions?

Several celebrities have decided to come to Costa Rica for the holidays. Gal Gadot, Shawn Mendes, and Gisele Bündchen chose the sun, beaches, and...

Costa Rican Traditions Promise Prosperity in the New Year 

If your ship didn’t come in this year, don’t despair. There’s always next year – and the eve of a new year might be...

A closer look at a Costa Rica New Year’s Tradition

Costa Ricans are fond of Santa Lucía flowers and have an interesting tradition of bestowing bouquets of these flowers to friends during the New Year to ensure prosperity.

Lost Legacy Behind Latin America’s Favorite New Year Song

One of the classic New Year's songs for our part of the world is called 'El Año Viejo'. If you have your radio tuned...

Luck and Tradition Shape Costa Rica Families New Year Celebrations

As the clock strikes midnight and the fireworks light up the night sky, thousands of Costa Rican families will have prepared for the rituals...

A Healthy Costa Rica New Year: Blended Green Juice

Here’s a healthy idea for the New Year: make green juices for boosting your health and vitality. Everyone can take advantage of these healthy...

8 Costa Rican New Year Traditions: From Grapes to Beaches

New Year's is celebrated in countless ways across the world with each country ringing in the New Year with its own unique traditions. Costa...

Christmas Between Cultures: Tamales Meet Santa in Costa Rica

Moving from one country to another and from one culture to another means a double set of traditions to consider. Accepting new customs doesn’t...
Costa Rica Airfare