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Exchange Rate Woes: Costa Rican Coffee Industry Faces Millions in Losses

The Costa Rican Coffee Institute (ICAFE) revealed that the country's coffee industry has lost millions of colones due to the exchange rate and urged...

Costa Rica Exports First Certified Deforestation-Free Coffee to Europe

Costa Rica exported its first certified deforestation-free coffee. The coffee sector considers this a milestone and a step towards the European Union's Green Pact,...

Discover the Best of Costa Rican Coffee at ExpoCafé Tarrazú 2024

The area of Los Santos, recognized worldwide for producing the best coffee, will host the fifth edition of ExpoCafé Tarrazú 2024, which brings together...

Costa Rica Coffee Region Transforms Towards Sustainable Growing

Los Santos, renowned as the heartland of Costa Rican coffee cultivation, is poised for a groundbreaking transformation in its production methods. The initiative, known...

Costa Rica Coffee Farmers Forced to Innovate as Rainfall Plummets

Costa Rican coffee farmers were once blessed with abundant rains but as precipitation grows fickle they are being forced to innovate to keep producing...

A Costa Rica Christmas Tamal With Your Coffee

Our daily Costa Rican moment of zen. #tanlindaCostaRica
Costa Rica Travel Insurance
Costa Rica Travel Insurance
Costa Rica Coffee Maker

New Nicaraguan Law Criminalizes Opposition from Abroad, Targets NGOs

Nicaragua's regime-aligned Congress approved a law Tuesday empowering domestic courts to pass rulings against people and entities abroad that are found to promote sanctions...

Costa Rica Strengthens Fight Against Illegal Fishing with Virtual Reality Training

For the third consecutive year, the course on Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing (IUU) was held last weekend, where 34 judges, environmental prosecutors, OIJ...

Pope Francis Receives Symbolic Environmental Gift from Costa Rica

During his flight to Indonesia, Pope Francis greeted journalists and received several gifts, including a glove from a young Costa Rican Catholic who has...