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Eduardo Li wins lawsuit against insurance company over defense costs in FIFA corruption case

A judge ruled that insurer Lloyd's of London must pay for Li's legal defense in the FIFA corruption case. But there's one catch.

Football: US releases three FIFA guilty plea transcripts

A U.S. judge released Monday transcripts of guilty pleas from three prominent defendants in the sweeping FIFA corruption investigation who confessed to crimes and agreed to pay $37.5 million in compensation.

Honduras foreign minister resigns over police murder scandal

Honduran daily El Heraldo revealed that senior police officers ordered the assassination of Honduras' top anti-drug official, Arístides González, in December 2009.

FIFA ex-VP Hawit pleads guilty in corruption case

Alfredo Hawit, who is from Honduras and also served as CONCACAF president, appeared Monday at a hearing in a Brooklyn court where he agreed in addition to his guilty pleas to forfeit nearly $1 million.

Brazilian bribe money funded Rousseff’s reelection, daily reports

Bribe money from a giant corruption scheme at Brazilian state oil company Petrobras went into President Dilma Rousseff' reelection campaign coffers, a former CEO has told prosecutors, according to a report released Thursday.

Costa Rica in the Panama Papers leak

Most of the dozens of Costa Rican individuals and firms mentioned in the Panama Papers have not been directly accused of criminal activity, but media outlets and the Solís administration have been quick to suggest that some of their activities point toward attempts to avoid paying taxes in Costa Rica.
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Costa Rica’s Ostional Beach Now Accessible for All to Witness Turtle Nesting

Ostional Beach is one of only two places in the world where the natural phenomenon of olive ridley turtle arrivals and nesting occurs on...

Rising Labor Costs Threaten Costa Rica’s Coffee Producers

The coffee industry in Costa Rica is facing significant challenges due to rising labor costs and decreasing profits for producers. This alarming situation was...

The Rare Five-Keeled Spiny-Tailed Iguana of Costa Rica

Today we discuss one of the rarest reptiles in Costa Rica that happens to resemble one of the most common reptiles in Costa Rica....