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costa rica news

Experience Election Day in Costa Rica with The Tico Times’ first-ever 360 video

Get a wraparound view of a Costa Rican polling place.

Images from a busy, hot Election Day in Costa Rica

Sights and sounds from the two candidates' paths - and further afield.

Candidates kick off an unusual Election Day in Costa Rica

Photos from the morning activities of both of Costa Rica's presidential candidates.

Welcome to The Tico Times’ all-day election coverage in Costa Rica

We're up and at 'em, and hope you will join us today.

Election Eve in San Pedro, Costa Rica

A look at party supporters at a classic Costa Rican gathering place on the eve of the runoff.

The heart of Fabricio Alvarado, part IV: ‘Incorruptible people’

“People say: ‘I prefer to support someone who, because of his or her principles, is very unlikely to get involved in corruption.’"

What’s it really like to vote in Costa Rica? A new citizen’s perspective

A cardboard box, a crayon, friends and neighbors: all part of voting in small-town Costa Rica.

Carlos Alvarado, novelist, musician and presidential candidate in Costa Rica

As the candidate for the PAC, he has had to deal with the wear and tear on the current administration, whose image was hard hit by a corruption scandal as well as by increasing violence.

Fabricio Alvarado, the evangelical singer seeking Costa Rica’s presidency

"People with experience have left us with bad experiences. I fully trust God, and if I’ve gotten here, it’s because I am capable.”

‘There’s a bigger family: the Costa Rican family’

Our team captured voters' motivations, from dawn to dusk.

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