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Saturday, July 13, 2024


Costa Rica renews commitment to refugees

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Arnoldo André Tinoco, celebrated World Refugee Day in the Golden Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,...

Half a century of statelessness

A harrowing journey of nearly 50 years brought Pascal Hakizimana from Burundi to Costa Rica, where he awaits the resolution of his refugee request. Here's his story.

‘I feel like they cut me down to the roots’: A Salvadoran refugee’s story

Jonathan is one of more than 800 Salvadorans who have requested asylum in Costa Rica so far this year. This is the story of why he left.

Asylum seekers suspected in rash of New Year’s Eve assaults in Europe

At least 21 asylum seekers from the Middle East and North Africa are suspects in the New Year's Eve rampage of sexual assaults and thefts in the German city of Cologne, authorities said, even as word emerged of similar acts in Finland, Sweden and other German cities.

Costa Rican knitters provide comfort to Syrian refugees

A knitting drive at the Children’s Museum in San José, plus a fundraising effort, resulted in a whopping 244 blankets being sent via on an odyssey that is taking them by airmail from San José to Madrid, over land to Valencia, by boat to Turkey, and finally into the hands of families enduring freezing temperatures in a refugee camp in Idlib, Syria.

Fleeing violence, gay refugee files appeal over denied asylum

The Honduran appellant hopes the complaint will push the government to act on other pending petitions from gay refugees fleeing violence in the region.

Costa Rica now will accept Syrian refugees after president reverses course

Vice Minister of the Interior Carmen Muñoz met with members of Costa Rica’s Muslim community, including Syrians, after a small demonstration took place outside Casa Presidencial on Tuesday urging the government to accept Syrians fleeing the civil war.

Germany reinstates border controls over refugee surge

Germany said it was reinstating border controls on Sunday as Europe's top economy admitted it was stretched to the limit trying to cope with a record influx of refugees. Also on Sunday, Germany's rail service halted train services with Austria for 12 hours. The announcements came as tragedy struck again off the coast of Greece, with 34 more migrants -- among them babies and children -- drowning when their overcrowded wooden boat capsized in high winds.

Myth: Refugees are a burden

Refugees are often described as a "burden" for the countries they settle in. But research that has looked at the effect of refugees around the world suggests that, in the long run, this view is often wrong.

Latin American nations offer to take in Syria refugees

Brazil will welcome Syrian refugees with "open arms," President Dilma Rousseff said Monday, amid a tidal wave of people fleeing the war-torn country.

For refugees, it’s destination Germany

In a Europe bitterly divided over how to handle its largest wave of migrants since World War II, it is, this time, the Germans who are coming to the rescue.
Costa Rica Airfare