The treacherous Darién jungle, a crucial corridor between Colombia and Panama for migrants heading to the United States, has seen a significant decrease in...
Amnesty International (AI) stated this Tuesday that no one is safe in Nicaragua from the "repressive model" imposed by Daniel Ortega's government, which threatens...
"Nicaragua has neither God nor law," says the President of Panama, José Raúl Mulino, who accused Nicaragua of disrespecting international law and warned that...
Panama's president appealed to US President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday to maintain the aid Washington gives his central American country for deporting US-bound migrants....
After putting an end to gang violence, the President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, has taken on a new and controversial challenge: reintroducing mining—banned...
Guanacaste Airport, part of the VINCI Airports network, in collaboration with the Costa Rica Tourism Board, inaugurated three new direct flight routes from major...