Hundreds of Salvadorans protested on Saturday to demand the release of "innocent" individuals imprisoned during President Nayib Bukele's crackdown on gangs. The demonstration, which...
In the early hours of Saturday, hundreds of Salvadorans gathered in the district of Tonacatepeque to celebrate the Calabiuza Festival, where death and figures...
The Legislative Assembly of El Salvador has taken a significant step by approving a law to regulate activities related to the construction and operation...
Authorities in El Salvador dismantled a migrant trafficking network destined for the United States on Saturday, which charged its victims between $13,000 and $16,000,...
The son of former Honduran president Porfirio Lobo (2010-2014), who was serving a 24-year prison sentence in the United States for drug trafficking, has...
Relatives of prisoners detained during the anti-gang "war" declared in 2022 in El Salvador by President Nayib Bukele, began a campaign on Tuesday to...
The director of the police and leader of the "war" against gangs, Commissioner Mauricio Arriaza, and his companions died on Sunday when the military...