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Honduran judge grants extradition of ex-president Hernandez to US

A judge in Honduras on Wednesday granted the extradition of former president Juan Orlando Hernandez to the United States where he is wanted for...

Former Honduran President Hernandez suffered “Humiliations” during Arrest, says wife

Former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez, captured on Tuesday following a U.S. extradition request for drug trafficking, was subjected to "humiliations" during his arrest,...

Honduras asks UN to create Anti-Corruption Commission

The Honduran government of Xiomara Castro asked the UN on Thursday to create a commission against corruption and impunity, the Foreign Ministry announced. "The president...

Former Honduran president appears before judge after US extradition request

Former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez, whom the United States is seeking to extradite after accusing him of trafficking some 500 tons of cocaine,...

United States asks Honduras to extradite ex-president suspected of drug trafficking

The United States has asked Honduras to extradite former president Juan Orlando Hernandez who is suspected of drug trafficking, a Honduran official told AFP...

Honduras Lawmaker Crisis heads to Court

The crisis in Honduras's Congress -- where rival factions of new President Xiomara Castro's left-wing Libre party have elected separate leaders -- headed to...
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Illegal Gold Mining Threatens Costa Rica’s Corcovado National Park

Corcovado National Park, one of the most biodiverse places on Earth, is under severe threat from illegal gold mining, an activity that has reached...

Meet Costa Rica’s Noisy Black-Bellied Whistling-Duck

Today we meet the black-bellied whistling-duck, a noisy, gregarious species of duck that might eat all of your rice. The black-bellied whistling-duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis)...

Honduran Officials Linked to Drug Trafficking Resign from Government

Honduras' Minister of Defense and his father, a deputy, who are the nephew and brother-in-law of President Xiomara Castro, resigned on Saturday amid a...