The province of Limón, located on Costa Rica's Caribbean coast, stands out for its unique cultural identity, which developed due to historical factors dating...
Justin Tayler “JT” Ficociello is a happy craft beer brewer. The U.S. expat lives in Puerto Viejo and gets to do what he loves ever since he was a 14-year-old teenager in Vermont.
Having seen the deaths of domestic and wild animals, and even the recent death of a woman, local residents are doing everything they can to feel safer.
Puerto Viejo isn’t for everyone.
If you need your beach vacation to be peppered with air conditioned rooms and restaurants; if you can’t comfortably share your room with the occasional gecko; if you get upset over spotty internet and power outages, then you might be better off visiting somewhere else.
But if you can accept Puerto Viejo for its flaws, it will accept you and yours.