The seven Cocle Parita- and Cocle Conte-style pottery vessels claimed by the country are among more than 300 pre-Hispanic objects from Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Bolivia and Peru.
Costa Rica repatriated more than 1,300 pre-Columbian artifacts that had been exported from the country by Minor Keith, the National Museum reported Wednesday.
This represents...
An archaeological evaluation prior to the expansion of the main highway in Costa Rica revealed the presence of four pre-Columbian tombs, clay pots and...
The National Museum of Costa Rica will use the information generated by the study to outline a plan for redirecting river flows and for protecting the archaeological sites at Finca 6.
The Venus de Milo on exhibit in San José? Más o menos.
A striking 19th-century plaster replica of this and other classical Greco-Roman sculptures constitute...
A German civil court in Munich on Friday sentenced Leonardo Patterson, a Costa Rican art dealer living in Germany, to three years probation for “deceptively selling a piece of recent manufacture as an archaeological artifact of Mexican origin to a German citizen.”