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Eco-Friendly Bug Control Tips for Costa Rican Gardens

HOME GARDENING: Gardening columnist Ed Bernhardt shares two newfound solutions to dry-season bugs: homemade sticky traps and insect spray.

A closer look at a Costa Rica New Year’s Tradition

Costa Ricans are fond of Santa Lucía flowers and have an interesting tradition of bestowing bouquets of these flowers to friends during the New Year to ensure prosperity.

A Healthy Costa Rica New Year: Blended Green Juice

Here’s a healthy idea for the New Year: make green juices for boosting your health and vitality. Everyone can take advantage of these healthy...

Squash in Costa Rica that tastes like cantaloupe?

We’ve been enjoying a harvest of one of our favorite novelty squashes of the tropics. Known as musk cucumber in English, its common name here is Cohombro (Sicana odorifera). This is one of the most unusual plants in the tropics.

How to Avoid Snake Bites in your Garden or Yard

Just the mention of snakes makes most of us squirm with a bit of fear, and seeing one face-to-face can push the panic button....

Gardening in Costa Rica: The Fragrant and Trippy Queen of the Night

HOME GARDENING: Planting Queen of the Night around the home scents the air at dusk with a relaxing aroma that helps to lift the spirit and emotions.

How to grow your own pejibayes in Costa Rica (and make the ultimate rainy-season soup)

Visitors to Costa Rica during the rainy season will come across the pejibaye harvest in local markets.  This unusual fruit comes from a tropical...

Delicious Kale: The Health Benefits and More

Kale, or col silvestre in Spanish, belongs to the cabbage family, and is likely the earliest form of cabbage the Greeks and Romans cultivated....

7 Homemade Pest-Control Recipes for the Costa Rica Rainy Season

As the tropical rains increase in Costa Rica during the year, so do the bugs - and for the gardener, that can spell trouble.  Most...

Learn to grow and cook the low-maintenance pigeon pea in Costa Rica

During the dry season in Costa Rica, when the vegetation turns brown and the soil hardens, it’s difficult to grow any crops. But there...

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