A virtually unused space near the train tracks in Freses, Curridabat, has become a community-designed space for chatting, gardening, listening to live music... and eating fish and chips.
Why isn’t worm composting as trendy as biochar? Perhaps it’s a deep, cultural taboo we have against these little creatures, which prevents us from perceiving their true value in our web of life on planet earth.
“People are getting proud again. They are like, ‘Oh yeah, I used to do this. I used to eat that. My father taught me how to build a fence.’ That’s why we call it back to the roots,” said Grettel Solórzano.
The nutritious, edible leaves and flowers make an interesting addition to any salad; the colorful flowers, which are also edible, are used to decorate servings of food, and the leaves can be used to make tea that is both both medicinal and delicious.
I can’t imagine living in the tropics without my friends the aloe plants. They have helped us so many times with our health issues, and they are so easy to grow you don’ t even need a green thumb.
When Tom Enderlin and Mónica Quesada went in search to buy some succulent plants for their garden, they ended up getting more than they bargained for. Instead of coming home with one plant for their garden, they ended up buying the entire nursery.
Poinsettias are native to Central America, but are now found around the world as a leading ornamental, particularly at Christmas. They are primarily grown as potted plants; however, tropical gardeners can plant poinsettias outside in the garden.