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Monday, March 17, 2025

Gardening at a Glance: Lemon Grass

Originally from India, lemon grass is now cultivated in all tropical regions of the world. It grows well in Costa Rica.

Botanical description: This is a grass like plant, which grows one meter highand has light green leaves.

The leaves have a lemon aroma. Medicinal Uses: Lemon grass is a popular folklore medicine used for the treatment of colds and flu, gastrointestinal disorders, nervous conditions, pain and inflammation.

Preparation: An infusion is made from the leaves by steeping a handful of leaves in one liter of water. Local campesinos often boil the lower part of the stem and root for a stronger decoction. Takes 1-3 cups per day.

Notes: Lemon grass is another easy tropical medicinal plant to grow in the home garden. Each clump of lemongrass can be divided into many new plants for propagation. Cut back the long leaves and plant the new plants in plastic nursery bags with potting soil. Keep in the greenhouse until the plants have rooted and produce new growth. They can be grown in large pots or planted directly in the garden.

Lemon grass does well in sunny locations with average soil, however, the growth and yield of these plants can be increased with applications of aged compost.

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