ACHIOTE(Bixa orellana), of the Bixaceae family, is also known as annato, bija, onoto and urucú.
Distribution: A native plant found in the warmer regions of...
Our rental-car GPS started speaking in that cryptic language from the outskirts of reason: the U.S. system of measurement. In this week's "Please Send Coffee!" column, Raquel Chanto explores the confusing process of adjusting to her adopted country's non-metric quirks.
While it should be obvious by now that I am not an expert on dating, in any language, I have nonetheless learned a thing or two about romantic idiosyncrasies. Even with some level of convergence, dating in Costa Rica and the United States is a game with slightly different rules.
The Tico Times has experience with some of the less publicized aspects of living in Costa Rica: the laws, the social intricacies and the cultural norms beyond learning to say, “Pura Vida, mae.”
Inheriting a property in Costa Rica may sound like a great deal. However, if you are the executor, you’ll now be in charge of what can be a bit of a puzzle.
People who do not pay the fee will be denied reentry to Costa Rica for a term equivalent to three times the period of time he or she spent in the country without a permit.