Renowned actor Leonardo DiCaprio celebrated on his Twitter account the Costa Rican government's decision to expand the marine territory of Cocos Island. The Hollywood...
Alcoholic chicha -- made from pejibaye -- at the Feria de Pejibayes in 2011. Pejibaye, or peach-palm in English, is a versatile fruit. Consume it topped...
Tickets for the remaining show range from $40 to $70, and can be purchased The Sunday performance begins at 2 p.m. at the Melico Salazar Theater.
The Costa Rican government announced it has filed a complaint against Huawei and its representative in the country, Yang Peng, along with two officials...
Francis Durman, a distinguished Costa Rican entrepreneur, has been honored with the prestigious Businessman of the Year Award by El Financiero. On Tuesday, December 10, El Financiero hosted the...