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HomeSport fishing

Sport fishing

A Tattoo called him to Costa Rica

While fishing at Scott Lake Lodge in Canada, Tom Olivo noticed a roosterfish tattoo on the leg of his guide, Cory Craig. "That fish...

Todd Staley Of Costa Rica Wins IGFA Conservation Award

For the first time in its history, the International Game Fish Association’s (IGFA) top award for conservation goes to a Costa Rica citizen. Todd...

In Costa Rica – it’s not always about the fish: An angler’s aside

Humpback and killer whales, sea turtles and a myriad of plant life also await fishermen in Costa Rica.

Fishing Costa Rica: Tie a Ribbon Around the Yellow Sailfish Tree

When the hillsides along the Pacific Ocean bloom bright yellow, it is time to go fishing, because that is when you will see the double digit days of sailfish that makes Costa Rica a premier destination for sailfish anglers.

U.S. Coast Guard Increases Cooperation with Costa Rica and Regional Partners on Illegal Fishing

The US Coast Guard ship STONE leads Operation Southern Shield, the first patrol dedicated to illegal fishing in Costa Rican waters Today in Golfito, the...

For the Oceans Foundation takes lead for Ocean Conservation for Costa Rica

There is growing international interest in the conservation of the Eastern Tropical Pacific, a vast area of largely thriving but threatened ocean stretching Southwest...
Costa Rica Travel Insurance
Costa Rica Travel Insurance
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Costa Rica Coffee Maker

La Penca: The Tico Times’ Darkest Hour

On this date, forty years ago, Linda Frazier, a reporter for the Tico Times was killed doing her job.For those unfamiliar with has become...

Bukele’s ‘Cool Dictator’ Approach Marks New Era in El Salvador

With more power than ever, a crushed opposition, and at the height of popularity, Nayib Bukele will begin his second term as president of...

Nicaraguan President Accuses Brother of Treason Over 1992 Medal

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega stated this Tuesday that his brother and former army chief, Humberto Ortega, who according to exiled opposition members is under...