Costa Rica, the country of vibrating colors and diverse landscapes. Situated between the two Americas, straddling both the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans and...
The province of Limón, located on Costa Rica's Caribbean coast, stands out for its unique cultural identity, which developed due to historical factors dating...
Before this past week's historic resumption of diplomatic relations with Cuba, Washington Post photojournalist Sarah L. Voisin visited the nation to capture a lifestyle that will inevitably change as businesses emerge among a population hopeful for new goods.
Activities included a concert with the Costa Rican firefighters band, a performance by the New York City Fire Department Pipes and Drums, dance choreography from a group of firefighters and a giant cake to share with visitors.
As in years past, Saturday's picnic included a flag-raising ceremony and singing of the U.S. and Costa Rican national anthems as well as games, music, dancing, great food, and plentiful beer.
As part of the celebrations for World Environment Day 2015, the University of Costa Rica held a full day of automobile-free activities. Students and teachers were encouraged to use bicycles, skates, skateboards and other zero-emission vehicles.
Adrian Arguijo Valdez is an artisanal fisherman. His weathered hands are a testament to countless years of direct exposure to sun and wind on the Golfo de Nicoya, off Costa Rica's north-central Pacific coast. Threads dance off the edges of his loose clothing, but there is still great strength in his presence. “I used to be a fisherman but times have changed,” he says.