It’s a geographic mystery 455 years in the making, but it’s possible that the first Spanish settlement in Costa Rica’s Central Valley was built in what is today the Valle del Sol, commonly known as Santa Ana.
Dery Dyer, who as editor and publisher of The Tico Times shaped generations of journalists, looked back at the world of print journalism and the monumental efforts to get the paper out to readers around the world.
The Venus de Milo on exhibit in San José? Más o menos.
A striking 19th-century plaster replica of this and other classical Greco-Roman sculptures constitute...
Costa Rican painter, Fernando Obando's new exhibit in Santa Ana features a series of 11 self-portraits, but not just any self-portraits: Obando has painted himself in different time periods throughout history in order to explore how humanity reached its current state.
Costa Rica’s Independence Day, celebrated on September 15, is a significant national holiday commemorating the country’s peaceful transition to independence from Spain in 1821....