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Fuego Volcano

Guatemala’s Fuego Volcano Increases Eruptive Activity

The Fuego volcano, about 35 km from Guatemala's capital, increased its eruptive activity, reported Sunday the Institute of Volcanology (Insivumeh). "Instrumental records detected increase of...

Thousands evacuated in Guatemala as volcano erupts, then stops

Memories are still painfully fresh of the volcano's eruption in June, which swept away villages and left nearly 200 people dead and 235 missing.

Guatemala Fuego eruption is over: officials

Sixty-two people were evacuated Friday, but authorities said Saturday that activity had ceased.

Benefit concerts for Guatemala to take place in Costa Rica, Mexico

Simultaneous shows in the two countries will raise funds for Guatemala.

Guatemala continues search for volcano victims as more eruptions occur

President Jimmy Morales that 250 temporary houses will be built this month.

Sorrow and gratitude in the shelters of Guatemala

Shelter residents left everything behind to save their lives.

Meet the Costa Rican woman who saved 300 lives in Guatemala

Ordóñez made the call to evacuate a full two hours before the peak explosion.

Guatemala’s Fuego Volcano kicks off new year with quite a show

Fuego Volcano, located just 50 kilometers (30 miles) from Guatemala City, rumbled back into higher intensity explosive activity on Sunday after months of fitfulness.

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