This young executive made her first buffalo sausages as a student at the National Technical University (UTN) in Balsa de Atenas, and turned her project into a company.
Churchill-inspired popsicles, gelato, milkshakes, cakes and waffles are some of the products cashing in on the newfound popularity of the classic Costa Rican treat.
The dedicated entrepreneur, working for free: noble and visionary, or in for a rough landing ahead? "Doing Business" columnist Randall Trejos offers some guidelines for deciding how and when to forgo a salary.
The balancing act between profits and social impact is not an easy one to achieve. In defining the category of social entrepreneurship or social investment, many gray areas have emerged, and sometimes it’s hard to determine when a venture is truly social.
The right pieces seem to be there, but they’re not matching somehow. Entrepreneurs are still not talking the investors’ language; the investors are not yet very familiar or comfortable with the augmented risks of venture capital; and expats don't necessarily have the networks to find the right projects.