Costa Rica's National Emergency Commission (CNE) says 588 people have been evacuated due to landslides and flooding related to Hurricane Eta, which made landfall in Nicaragua on Tuesday.
Costa Rica's National Emergency Commission (CNE) says 588 people have been evacuated due to landslides and flooding related to Hurricane Eta, which made landfall in Nicaragua on Tuesday.
The National Emergency Commission (CNE) says 79 communities across Costa Rica have reported flooding due to the indirect effects of Hurricane Eta, which made landfall as a Category 4 storm in Nicaragua earlier Tuesday.
Hurricane Eta slowed to tropical storm speeds on Wednesday morning even as it pummeled Nicaragua, killing two people there and one in neighboring Honduras, while unleashing fierce winds and heavy downpours.
The National Emergency Commission (CNE) says 79 communities across Costa Rica have reported flooding due to the indirect effects of Hurricane Eta, which made landfall as a Category 4 storm in Nicaragua earlier Tuesday.
Eta smashed into Nicaragua's northern Caribbean coast as a Category 4 hurricane on Tuesday, unleashing fierce winds that tore up trees and ripped roofs off dwellings.