A new app called “Social Help” developed by a group of Costa Rican entrepreneurs will receive support from U.S. businessmen, including CNBC’s Shark Tank investor Mark Cuban. The application allows interaction with professionals such as doctors via videoconference, text chats and games.
Google has created another Google Maps/video game mashup for April Fool’s Day 2015. By clicking a Pac-Man icon in the bottom left of the screen, users can convert any road into a live game of Pac-Man.
A study released this week by the Public Services Regulatory Authority found that 57 of Costa Rica’s 348 gas stations last year failed to fully comply with technical regulations for selling fuel. That means that more than 16 percent of gas stations failed at least one of the national regulations on quality and quantity.
Car service mobile apps like Uber have become one of the biggest trends in tech and transportation, and now Costa Rica has its own version: Easy Taxi. While Uber sought to disrupt traditional taxi service by contracting independent drivers with their own cars, Easy Taxi isn’t looking to disrupt the traditional car service so much as improve on it.