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Environmentalists Celebrate Approval of Fishing Law

THE long-awaited Fishing andAquaculture Law, which includes sanctionsagainst fishing in protected areas, unlicensedfishing vessels and unsustainableshark fishing, was approved by the LegislativeAssembly in second...

Tourism Officials Focus on Quality

IMPROVED infrastructure, more deliberate developmentand increased foreign investment – those are thegoals for Costa Rica’s tourist sector after two years ofhuge increases in the...

Strikes, Blockades, Marches Got Results

COSTA Ricans took to the streets thisyear in levels not seen in years, with civilunrest in late August paralyzing parts ofthe country for more...

Former Gold Panners Camp Out in San José

MORE than 100 former oreros – goldpanners and miners – who were evictedfrom Corcovado and Piedras Blancasnational parks in the southern Pacificregion are camping...

Budget Worries Officials, Austerity Measures Would Affect Schools, Roads,

Education, public works and other CostaRican officials are expressing concern about theausterity measures and budget slashes PresidentAbel Pacheco and the Finance Ministry arethreatening to...

Anti-Poaching Efforts Surviving on Donations

WHILE government officials claimtheir hands are tied regarding the poachingcrisis in the country’s national parks, privatedonors and non-profit organizationsare pitching in to provide the...

Rampant Jaguar Poaching in Costa Rica Continues in South

CONTINUED rampant poaching of jaguars and their main prey, the white-lipped peccary, has brought numbers of both species in the country's southern Pacific region...

Rural Tourism Provides New Opportunities

WATCHING a goat be milked is noteverybody’s idea of a great vacation. In fact,only about 3% of tourists would find themselvescaptivated by such activity,...

A Brief History

COSTA Rica passed a mining law in1992 that prohibits prospecting in nationalparks without a permit.The following year, the governmentstopped issuing permits for CorcovadoNational Park,...

Felling Debate Grows, Decree Affects Coastal Forests

A presidential decree intended to regulate thecutting of Costa Rica’s coastal forests mayinstead be hacking away at the country’s longstandingmarriage between ecotourism andenvironmental protection.At...

Latest News

Costa Rica Coffee Crisis Labor Shortage Leads to Major Crop Loss

Costa Rica's coffee industry faces losses of up to 10% as Nicaragua's strict new immigration laws and unseasonable rains disrupt the crucial harvest season....

Costa Rica 5G Ban Strains Diplomatic Relations with China

Relations between Costa Rica and China have grown increasingly strained after the Central American nation's decision to exclude Asian companies from its 5G network...

Trump Administration Plans Strict Immigration Policy Changes

"We must ensure the security of our borders against trafficking and illegal immigration" because it is the "top priority," Kristi Noem, chosen by Donald...

Migrant Crisis Fuels Billion Dollar Criminal Enterprise at US Border

Ana Maria had to pay to enter Mexico illegally -- or risk being kidnapped by ruthless criminals who have turned the migration crisis into...

Guatemala Fuego Volcano Spews Massive Ash Clouds and Rock Fragments

The Fuego volcano, located 35 km from Guatemala's capital, is registering launches of columns of gas, ash, and rocks, reported the institute of volcanology...
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