WHILE government officials claimtheir hands are tied regarding the poachingcrisis in the country’s national parks, privatedonors and non-profit organizationsare pitching in to provide the...
CONTINUED rampant poaching of jaguars and their main prey, the white-lipped peccary, has brought numbers of both species in the country's southern Pacific region...
WATCHING a goat be milked is noteverybody’s idea of a great vacation. In fact,only about 3% of tourists would find themselvescaptivated by such activity,...
COSTA Rica passed a mining law in 1992 that prohibits prospecting in national parks without a permit. The following year, the government stopped issuing...
A presidential decree intended to regulate thecutting of Costa Rica’s coastal forests mayinstead be hacking away at the country’s longstandingmarriage between ecotourism andenvironmental protection.At...
PUERTO JIMÉNEZ, Osa Peninsula – Tired ofwaiting for payments they say are nearly 20 years overdue,hundreds of former gold miners from this SouthernZone town...
“Dejando Huellas” is a compilationcompact disk which allows listeners of traditionalCosta Rican rhythms to save jaguars,tapirs and macaws at the same time.The newly released...
WITH the goal of promoting theuntamed natural wonders of the country’sSouthern Zone, the Osa Chamber ofTourism (CATUOSA) will hold its eighthannual EXPO-OSA Tourism Exchange...
A scorecard on sustainable tourism recently publishedby National Geographic Traveler Magazinegave Costa Rica what it called a “surprisinglymediocre score,” pointing to widespread deforestationand “poor...
Costa Rica is confronting an escalating security crisis as murders climb year after year, with contract killings increasingly shattering the nation’s reputation for peace....
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) assessed human rights conditions in Costa Rica through a public hearing, where several organizations shared their perspectives...