ALTHOUGH no known cure exists for dengue, a team of Costa Rican researchers could be on its way to uncovering an effective, environmentally friendly...
BREATHTAKING mountain views, a mystical rain forest with thousands of plant and animal species, sunsets illuminating the Pacific Ocean… imagine having all this in...
PANAMA (ACAN-EFE) – Panamaand Costa Rica have re-launched theirjoint efforts aimed at the protection of LaAmistad International Friendship Park, animportant biological reserve shared byboth...
TURRIALBA, Cartago – Despite boasting the second-most-polluted river in Costa Rica, mountainsideswhose trees have given way to pesticide-heavy farms, andone of the country’s most...
AFTER environmental organizationsstruggled for more than 10 years to fill thevoid in Costa Rica’s fishing legislation,the new Fishing and Aquaculture Lawbecame official this week,...
SIXTY-SEVEN new park rangers aretraining for their duties in the Osa ConservationArea, in the country’s SouthernZone, which includes Corcovado andPiedras Blancas national parks, the...
Today is Earth Day, with its slogan, “Think Globally, ActLocally.” Showing how this can be done are residents ofCuajiniquil, a small community on Costa...
Costa Rica is confronting an escalating security crisis as murders climb year after year, with contract killings increasingly shattering the nation’s reputation for peace....
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) assessed human rights conditions in Costa Rica through a public hearing, where several organizations shared their perspectives...