Florists complain that higher wholesale costs of roses and other flowers are harming their business, despite the importance of Valentine's Day for their sales.
Valentine’s Day falls on a Friday this year, and many local tourism businesses are offering discounts on hotels, local flights, one-day tours and romantic dinners.
Honduran lawmaker Augusto Cruz Asensio proposed a bill that would reward couples for staying together for 45 years, according to Honduras' El Heraldo. On Wednesday, Asensio discussed the proposal that would give long-time couples a one-time bonus of 50,000 lempiras (or $2,500).
The government of Nicaragua swore in 30,000 hooded civilians as "volunteer police" on Wednesday, who are considered by the opposition as paramilitaries intended to...
Costa Rica's Juan Santamaría International Airport in San Jose has embarked on an ambitious $62.2 million expansion project with the construction of a new...
Three Americans and one Canadian, members of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect, were arrested in Guatemala on charges of child abuse and mistreatment, police and...