Chile's death toll has risen to 11, authorities said on Monday, after three days of violent demonstrations and looting that saw President Sebastian Pinera...
Chileans angry over social and economic woes banged pots and pans Saturday in a noisy but peaceful continuation of violent protests that prompted the...
Billionaire Sebastian Piñera will return to power as Chile's president next year, following a runoff election held Sunday.
Electoral authorities said the 68-year-old conservative, who...
SANTIAGO, Chile – A Chilean court on Wednesday ordered poet Pablo Neruda's remains be returned to his tomb, three years after they were exhumed to determine whether the Nobel laureate was assassinated.
Just before midnight on Friday, October 16, 1998, police from Britain’s Scotland Yard entered a room in a small, private hospital in London and arrested former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet Ugarte. General Pinochet was recovering from back surgery, but the ramifications of his arrest would shake not only his world, but the way the entire world would come to view human rights prosecutions. Today, in this special section of The Tico Times, we commemorate the anniversary of that world-changing arrest with a series of articles.
The Volcanological and Seismological Observatory (OVSICORI) in Costa Rica warned of surging seismic and volcanic activity at Poás Volcano. Volcanologist Geoffroy Avard says current...
Two retired Honduran generals, Venancio Cervantes, 69, and Carlos Puerto, 63, were sent back to prison on Tuesday, March 18, following a judicial ruling...
On April 12, in celebration of World Earth Day, the Central Conservation Area (ACC) of the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC-MINAE), in collaboration...