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Costa Rican government applauds U.S. decision to stop ‘wet foot, dry foot’ policy on Cuban migrants

The Costa Rican government gave a thumbs up to the U.S. decision to repeal the 'Wet foot, dry foot' policy for Cuban migrants.

End of an era as revolutionary Fidel Castro dies

Fidel Castro's death has unleashed a wide variety of drastically different reactions.

US restores regular flights to Cuba

On Tuesday, the Treasury Department was to invite U.S. airlines to submit applications to be allocated the new flights. American Airlines, Delta, United Airlines and JetBlue have previously expressed an interest in running regular flights to Cuba.

Five freed in US-Cuba rapprochement back in custody: rights group

Five dissidents freed as Havana launched a high-profile diplomatic rapprochement with the United States are back in custody in Cuba, a human rights group said Monday.

A flow of Cubans – going home

While still dwarfed by the number of Cubans leaving the island, a growing number are opting to move back as trailblazing entrepreneurs.

Hotel Nacional de Cuba: A history of mobsters, missiles and movie stars

History comes alive at Havana's Hotel Nacional de Cuba, a national monument that has hosted Mafiosi, movie stars and world leaders.
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Honduran Generals Ordered Back to Prison in 2009 Coup Protester Death Case

A Honduran appeals court ordered three generals accused in the death of a protester in 2009 during demonstrations against the coup that overthrew leftist...

Costa Rica and Panama Launch Joint Migration Transit Program

Costa Rica and Panama will coordinate the transportation of migrants returning southward by bus after failing in their attempt to enter the United States,...

Costa Rican Volcanoes Awaken as Poás and Turrialba Show Increased Activity

The Turrialba and Poás volcanoes have shown increased activity in recent days, according to the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (OVSICORI). This...