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Kiwifruit: Don’t Let the Fuzzy Peel Scare You

It's hard to find a fruit that provides as much vitamin C as kiwifruit does. Beneath its fuzzy brown peel is a sweet green...

Sapodilla is a Chewing Gum Tree with Juicy Fruit

HOME GARDENING: Called chicle zapote in Spanish, the sapodilla makes an elegant tree for the home garden and produces delicious fruits.

A Recipe for Making Costa Rica Inspired Ceviche

Anyone who has visited Latin America knows that people throughout these lands pride themselves on an amazing dish made of marinated raw fish, seafood...

Star Apples: The Other Star Fruit in Costa Rica

At the end of the dry season in April and May, citrus fruits, mangos and avocados are just beginning to form young fruits here...

Costa Rica’s Valentine’s Day: Love it or Leave it

There appear to be two schools of thought when it comes to Valentine’s Day: Love it or Leave it. Those of the older generation...

Chocolate: The Treasure of Costa Rica and the Americas

Before there was coffee, there was cacao. Before there were coffee breaks, there was the chocolate hour. And before Costa Rica had coins, cacao...
Costa Rica Travel Insurance
Costa Rica Travel Insurance
Costa Rica T shirts
Costa Rica Rocking Chairs

Tracing the Frozen Footprints on Costa Rica’s Historic Mountain of Death

I was once in danger of freezing to death in Costa Rica. That's right– imagine the irony of dying of hypothermia in the tropics....

Dead Rivers Alert Growing Environmental Crisis as Mining Returns to El Salvador

The San Sebastián River no longer has fish. The contaminated water it receives from an old gold mine killed them all. Now that mining...

Hong Kong Company will sell Panama Ports to a US Consortium

Under strong pressure from US President Donald Trump, Hong Kong firm Hutchison announced Tuesday that it has agreed to transfer its stake in the...