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The Tico Times

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Costa Rica Soccer Stadium at Full Capacity for Final World Cup Qualifiers

With the pivotal upcoming home game against Canada on March 24, the Costa Rica Football Federation announced that the 35,000 seat National Stadium can...

Costa Rica Covid-19 Sanitary Restrictions Now Until February 28

Citing the recent increase of hospitalized patients and its impact on the medical system, the Casa Presidencial has announced it will continue its sanitary...

Costa Rica Cultural Quirks of Romance: Going out on a ‘un date’

While it should be obvious by now that I am not an expert on dating, in any language, I have nonetheless learned a thing or two about romantic idiosyncrasies. Even with some level of convergence, dating in Costa Rica and the United States is a game with slightly different rules.

3rd Dose Required For Costa Rica Public Employees and Minors 12 to 18

The National Commission on Vaccination and Epidemiology (CNVE) has mandated that all public employees and children between the ages of 12 to 18 must...

Nicaraguan Revolutionary Hero Dies In Jail As Ortega Political Prisoner

Hugo Torres was a revered Sandinista guerilla leader that helped overthrow former Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza and the only revolutionary that participated in the...

Costa Rica’s Valentine’s Day: Love it or Leave it

There appear to be two schools of thought when it comes to Valentine’s Day: Love it or Leave it. Those of the older generation...

Bike Race Will Force Costa Rica Highway Closures

The Gran Fondo Andrey Amamdor cycling competition will be held this weekend on Sunday, February 13. The event has been organized by Amador, the...

Costa Rica Allows 3rd Covid Vaccine Dose Only 4 Months after 2nd Dose

Up and until now you had to a wait for at least 5 months before getting the 3rd vaccine dose against Covid 19. However,...

Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen are in Costa Rica

Even though Tom Brady retired from football this year after 22 seasons (at least for the time being) it doesn't mean he has retired...

Need Emotional Support? Health Department has a 9-1-1 Support Hotline

Valentines Day is fast approaching and a fair number of people in Costa Rica are dealing with feelings and emotions that come from complexities...

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