A WILDERNESS First Responder classwill be offered by the Monteverde ConservationLeague for the second time Sept. 6-14 in theChildren’s Eternal Rain Forest in San...
FOR avid readers, the annual book fair startstoday with more than 300 publishers and 60exhibitors represented at the Old Aduana buildingin San José.The fair,...
A JAZZ trio from San Diego StateUniversity in California is scheduled toperform at the Eugene O’Neill Theater at7:30 p.m. today.The performance is part of...
PHOTOGRAPHY gleaned from a lifetime of photojournalismin Latin America is on display at the National Gallery in San José.It is the culmination of the...
THE Girl and Boy Scouts’ Group 50of Liberia, in the northwestern provinceof Guanacaste, will host the 3rd AnnualInternational Independence Festival onJuly 4.The festival will...
THOSE who attend BalletMagnificat’s performances may do morethan just enjoy beautiful dancing – theymay have a spiritual experience as well.Ballet Magnificat! is aiming for...
SQUELCHING Latin machista stereotypes undermountains of rainbow flags, artsy performances and sheercojones, gays and lesbians in Costa Rica will reaffirmtheir self-pride in the second...
COSTA Rican artist Jorge Araya andNew York businessman Frederick Hintzeare opening Galeria de Arte to share CostaRican culture.The business partners are opening thegallery in...