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Friday, October 18, 2024

Mystery Dinner Games Coming to ‘Paradise Island’

IT’S a mystery why visitors “Resort ToMurder” on Paradise Island. Are you athriller addict, armchair detective, or planninga grisly crime? If so, head for the westernsuburb of Escazú June 20 and join thefun at the Murder Mystery Dinner Games.Guests have the opportunity to sleuth àla Sherlock Holmes, Nancy Drew orHercule Poirot, but beware! Don’t presumeyour shady past will be ignored – everybodyis a suspect at “Resort to Murder.”Before settling in Costa Rica threeyears ago, Vicky Kieke hosted many dinnerparties at her home in Calgary, Canada.“In Canada, Mystery Dinner Theaterhas been popular for years, but it is verydifferent from Murder Mystery DinnerGames,” Kieke said.The former uses professional actorswho interact with thediners encouraging themto participate, help solvethe crime and often playsmall roles. The latter hasa totally different formatwith no actors involved.The diners seated at individualtables of eight arethe actors, playing all theparts and keeping incharacter throughout dinnerto try to solve thecrime between courses.LAST year, Kieke(who brought her collection of games withher from Canada) introduced the innovativeidea to The Women’s Club as a fund-raisingproject. Each month during the year, differentmembers of the organization held a dinnerfor eight people in their own home.“It was a great way to spend anevening,” said Blanche Brown, who hostedone of these events. “We had an amazingamount of fun – I was the murderer, butnobody guessed. In fact, everyone was asuspect except me.”Now Kieke, assisted by Cari Rhodes,are collaborating with Michael Forbes,known to all who have sampled hisremarkable culinary talents as “Big Mike.”Together, they are creating events ofsleuthing fun and gourmet dining.The first Murder Mystery DinnerGame is scheduled for June 20 from 4-8p.m., in Forbes’ home.To set the mood for the Paradise IslandResort theme, the hosts ask that guestsarrive in costume – any type of tropicalattire.UPON arrival, guests will be given acharacter and mini-script synopsis to mullover while nibbling on hors d’oeuvres.While enjoying an appetizer of coconutfried shrimp, the fun will start and continuethrough the courses of Thai soup andAsian bean sprout salad. By then, guestswill realize all the characters at the tablehave a motive.As guests chomp onthe main course, KailuaPork (fish eaters andvegetarian sleuths willalso be catered to), theplot thickens and everybodybecomes a suspect.Will the murder besolved or will the guestsuccessfully cover thecrime? Macadamia cakeand coconut ice creammay help culminate themystery.ORGANIZE a party and reserve atable of eight. Couples and single sleuthswill be seated in groupings of eight.Advanced reservations are required asseating is limited to 40 people at “Resort toMurder.”Tickets are ¢6,500 ($15) per person.Quarterly and semi-quarterly packagesalso available. For more info or reservationscontact Forbes at 289-6087 or or call VickyKieke at 282-4830 or e-mail


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