ACCORDINGto Dar Randall,Golfito had a spectacularshowing ofbig tuna last week.Randall said Capt.Andy Moyes, fishingout of Golfito, inthe southern Pacific,found a school ofspinner dolphinworking a...
COSTA Rica is no stranger to the obsession thatbrings euphoria or bitter disappointment to millionsof fans, but this week saw many Ticos discussing thefuture...
The struggling economy of the southernPacific port town of Golfito is scheduled for ahigh-strength injection of foreign capital with aplanned $400 million marina and...
FLEEING extortion, death threats, war and politicaloppression, thousands of refugees have crossed Costa Rica’sborders following rumors of jobs and the rule of law.Most of...
CALLE JUCÓ, Orosi Valley – Although 23 riversidehomes in this valley community, southeast of San José,face the potential threat of mudslides, only one of...
THE Catholic Church has proposednew sex-ed guidebooks to the Council ofSuperior Education, which is studying theproposal, La Nación reported.The material in the guides adjusts...
YOUNG Costa Ricans place morevalue on protecting the environment thanfostering economic growth, according to acomparative study of political culture inCentral America conducted by the...
THE number of foreign students inCosta Rican public and private elementaryand high schools has more thantripled in 20 years, according to theMinistry of Public...
THE high oil prices reported duringthe past five months are starting to havean effect on Costa Rican gasoline consumption,according to the Costa RicanPetroleum Refinery...