CHILDREN from the San RafaelSchool planted trees with the TropicSierra Foundation May 26 in Monte de laCruz in north Heredia, kicking off thefoundation’s Project Plant-a-Tree.Project Plant-a-Tree aims to get communitymembers educated and involvedin environmental concerns.The foundation hopes to follow withsimilar events.Universidad Nacional Professor ofForestry Studies Henry Ramírez spoke tothe children “about the environment, theimportance of trees and rivers,” accordingto foundation spokesman Jorge Paniagua.The foundation is “devoted to savingour natural resources with primaryemphasis on the environment of CostaRica,” according to the organization’sWeb site at foundation is sponsored byTropic Joe’s Tours, a company thatarranges ecologically friendly tours andvolunteer vacations, offering participantsthe option of what the Web site describesas a “hands-on” opportunity to help ourenvironment.”For more info, call 291-4492 or 291-4493.
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