ELECTRICAL appliances manufacturerAtlas Eléctrica has announced it discovereda flaw in several of its refrigeratormodels that could lead to malfunctionsand short circuits. The company says itwill replace the faulty components free ofcharge.“We recently discovered that in thetwo-door, frost-free refrigerator models,the panel of lights that indicates the conditionof the device’s functioning can beinvaded by small insects,” explainedDiego Artiñano, general manager of AtlasEléctrica. “These insects can generate ashort circuit or cause faults in the equipment’sfunctioning. There is even the possibilitythat this may cause a fire.”The flaw was found in refrigeratorswith serial numbers between200302010000 and 200309300000. Thecompany has set up a hotline (211-0510)where refrigerator owners can report themalfunction and request repairs. The companyhas hired more than 100 trainedtechnicians to visit homes and repair thefaulty components.Atlas Eléctrica, which began operationsin 1961, employs 800 workers. Ithas plants in Costa Rica and El Salvadorand is listed in the National StockExchange.