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Monthly Archives: April, 2017

Only 17 cantons will enforce dry law during Holy Week

Business owners who disobey the dry law will face fines of up to 10 base salaries, or ₡4.2 million (some $7,500).

Foreigner caught stealing hours after being detained for threatening neighbors with machete

Police said Andersson was caught in the act of stealing items from a grocery just hours after threatening neighbors with a machete.

Choreographer and former Costa Rican resident MaryLu Tosi dies at 91

MaryLu Tosi was ubiquitous on the Little Theatre Group stage during her years in Costa Rica.

Dean Hinton, former U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica, dies at 94

Dean Hinton died at his home in Escazú after a long and distinguished diplomatic career.

Salvadoran man deported from United States suspected in murder at San José hotel

The Salvadoran man was deported from Los Angeles, California in September of 2016, and entered Costa Rica a few days later.

Two Costa Ricans investigated for role in international child porn ring

The men that were identified only by their last names – Matamoros Duarte and Rojas Jiménez – were briefly detained Monday following police raids in San Pedro and Heredia

Dollar exchange rate maintains slight upward trend this year

An increase in transactions from businesses that exchange dollar investments into colones to pay taxes drove fluctuations in dollar prices in the past four months.

VIDEO: New Costa Rican documentary explains forced Central American migration

“It’s an interesting paradox for the U.S. audience because [Central American] migration is produced by an economic activity whose main market is the United States,” says scholar Carlos Sandoval.

Fun and free in Costa Rica: Hiking at Tres Cruces

A great local hike, Tres Cruces, is named for the three crosses that mark the spectacular viewpoints over San José and the Central Valley.

Presidential nominee Antonio Álvarez Desanti to step down as legislator

While votes are still being counted, the party has moved on.

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