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Monthly Archives: April, 2017

Costa Rica submits arguments against Nicaragua in $6.7 million environmental damage complaint

Nicaragua will have until June 2 to submit a response. Justices then will issue a final ruling on the damage compensation figure and on a deadline to make the payment.

From a Tico Times reader: a close encounter of the slothful kind

A Tico Times reader shares the unusual reason she almost lost her internet connection. Only in Costa Rica.

UPDATE: Álvarez Desanti maintains in Liberation primary; late-night vote-counting drama

The PLN Internal Elections Tribunal's decision to suspend its count caused candidate Álvarez Desanti to express concerns about potential fraud.

Who’s who on the PLN ballot: forecasts for tomorrow’s presidential primary

Four candidates will seek the nomination for the social democratic party, which has elected seven Costa Rica presidents since its founding in 1951.

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