IT was an evening of murder, mystery, and solving twoheinous crimes, while enjoying a delicious dinner of tropicaldelicacies.On June 20, 40 sleuths – some murderers incognito –gathered at the home of Mike Forbes (alias Paradise IslandResort) in the western suburb of Escazú.Why this surreptitious gathering? The answer: AMurder Mystery Dinner Game.Seated at tables of eight, guests were given a script outliningwhere, when and how the gruesome crimes, of notone, but of two murders were committed. Character profilesand background information were handed out to eachparticipant and they were asked to introduce themselvesand make certain they stayed in character for the durationof the Murder Mystery Dinner.Murderers were informed in their synopses that theywere the guilty party and were the only people at the tablewho could lie. The other suspects – everybody present –must reveal all the facts truthfully when questioned.However, they were allowed to be as devious as theywished, plus embellish their characters when confrontedwith facts that cast suspicion on them. More evidence accumulatedbetween courses, as Scenes 1-4 were passed outand the mystery unfolded.NEEDLESS to say, the object of this dinner game is todetect who the murderer is. Players tried to establish theirinnocence as facts, suspicions, accusations and a bombardmentof questioning ensued. The excitement escalatedthroughout dinner, until the grand finale when the culpritwas accused and the crime solved. Of course, this dependedon how astute the sleuths had been and how clever thekiller was.AMurder Mystery Dinner Game is fantasy personified.You certainly won’t hear any political discussions or socialchitchat around these dinner tables. Instead, an entertainingtime full of illusion, drama and fun is the name of the game.The above event was a sell-out and so successful thatmore Mystery Dinner Games are planned.Every “Whodunit” is different and future games arescheduled on a commercial jet “Flight 013” on July 25from 1-5 p.m., at a college reunion “Forever Friends” Aug.21 from 5-9 p.m., and in a Las Vegas casino, “WinnerTakes All” on Sept. 27 from 4-8 p.m.For Halloween, an extra spooky séance “Beyond theGrave” is planned for Oct. 30 from 5-9 p.m. and “TheEternal Cruise” in Alaskan waters is scheduled for Nov. 21from 1-5 p.m.Reservations should be made well in advance as seatingis limited. The price will vary according to the “theme”of the meal served.For more info or reservations, call 289-6087 or Also call 203-3652 or
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