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Costa Rica will have traditional Zapote bullfights this year

After they were canceled last year due to the pandemic, one of Costa Rica's most-popular year-end events will occur this December. Costa Rican-style bullfights...

A year ends with no party: The Fiestas de Zapote

The Fiestas de Zapote are a holiday tradition for many Ticos.

Fiestas de Zapote celebrates 50th anniversary with huge crowds on opening night

More than 40,000 festive Ticos attended opening night for the 50th anniversary of the Fiestas de Zapote, Costa Rica's largest end-of-year party. 

Costa Rica prepares for 50th anniversary of Fiestas de Zapote

In December, Costa Rica will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its iconic Fiestas de Zapote.

PHOTOS: Bulls in Zapote

December is almost over and that means a new year and a bunch of bulls in Zapote. Check out some of the best shots from this year's bull run.

Fiestas de Zapote get underway in San José

Our daily Costa Rican moment of zen. #tanlindacostarica

VIDEO: Festivities wrap up in Zapote After 11 days of bullfights, carnival rides, and junk food, Las Fiestas de Zapote finally drew to a close on Sunday, allowing the spotlight...

Photos From Costa Rica’s Big Time City Rodeo

A Costa Rican rodeo is a thrilling blend of tradition, excitement, and skill, where cowboys and bullfighters showcase their talents in front of cheering...

Costa Rica’s Zapote Bullfighting Festival Ends with Spectacular Bull Launch

It’s a bird... It’s a plane... No, it’s a flying improvisada! Costa Rica’s annual Zapote festival, held in the capital city of San José, ended...

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