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When will violence against women stop?

Today is the International Day Against Violence Toward Women. Exactly one month ago, on Oct. 25, another Costa Rican woman was killed at the hands of...

Violence against women in the age of new technology

Cellphones, email, social media, instant messaging all translate to new manifestations of violence that are a violation of intimacy as a means of exerting control, often from a spouse, lover or former lover.

Lawmakers move forward with bill to legalize morning-after pill, therapeutic abortion for rape victims

Evangelical lawmakers promised to block the bill with "5,000 motions."

Breast Cancer Awareness Month to draw runners, walkers, fundraisers

There is at least one event every weekend next month, many offering options for walkers, wheelchair participants, children, and more. Here are four major events coming up in October.

Change is happening for the women of Sololá

International Women's Day feature: Indigenous women in Guatemala occupy the bottom rung of the socioeconomic ladder. But that is changing.

Report: Prison overcrowding, human trafficking are Costa Rica’s top human rights issues

Harsh prison conditions, domestic abuse, and human trafficking were among the top concerns the United States State Department’s 2013 Human Rights Practices report found in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica has a way to go for women in politics, say election monitors

Despite electing its first woman president in 2010, Costa Rica should take more steps to increase the number of women running for elected office, according to a preliminary report from the Organization of American States' election monitors.

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