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US drugs

‘Acid Test’: the case for using psychedelics to treat PTSD, depression

"What I wasn't prepared for," Roland Griffiths says, "is people would come in two months later and I would say, 'Well, so what do you think of the experience?' And they'd say ... 'It was one of the most important experiences in my life.' "

Seattle’s only legal pot shop runs out of marijuana after 3 days

The store, one of 25 licensed statewide this week, had 11 pounds (4,990 grams) of pot when it opened July 8 and sold out about 5 p.m. local time Thursday, owner James Lathrop said. With taxes, 2-gram bags sold for $46.77, he said.

US ‘Godfather of Ecstasy’ dies at 88

LOS ANGELES, California – U.S. chemist Alexander Shulgin, known as the "Godfather of ecstasy" for turning an obscure chemical into a widely-used party drug, has died at 88, his family said.

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