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Expotur travel mart: Costa Rican vendors, international buyers, old friends and new ideas

Costa Rica's annual Expotur meet-and-greet travel retreat got underway Thursday, bringing together local vendors, international buyers and even a Tyrannosaurus rex.

At Expotur trade show opener, Solís says tourism drives Costa Rica’s economy

Expotur, Costa Rica’s premier trade show for travel professionals, kicked off Wednesday at the National Theatre in San José with President Luis Guillermo Solís saying tourism is “one of the most powerful engines of this economy.”

Costa Rica’s Ultimate Adventure: Crossing the Osa Peninsula

CARATE, Puntarenas — What has 4 wheels, 24 hooves, 8 legs, takes 9 hours and covers 32 kilometers? The mother of all adventures, that’s...

United Airlines ponders an earlier retirement for out-of-favor 747s

United Continental Holdings is considering parking its Boeing 747 jumbo jetliner fleet ahead of schedule to make way for newer, more-efficient twin-engine aircraft on its longest routes.

4,000-passenger cruise ship inexplicably sails into Atlantic mega-storm

A massive storm exploded in intensity just off the Southeast U.S. coast on Sunday afternoon, driving hurricane force winds and whipping waves into a frenzy. And in the middle of this monster storm was a cruise ship on its way to Florida – rocking, roiling and taking a major beating from the most powerful storm we've seen in the western Atlantic so far this winter.

UK documentary series seeks British families going back to nature in Costa Rica

Costa Rica could be the next location featured in a U.K. documentary series called "Escape to the Wild," and producers are looking for your stories. Find out more here.

To conserve the Amazon, the forest must become an economic ‘asset’

The people of Santa María de Fátima, a small Amazonian community in Peru, started an ecotourism project by turning a swamp close to their village into a bird-watchers’ paradise. The herons whose eggs they once consumed now attract tourists from all over the world.

Top 5 Costa Rica Travel Stories of 2015

“Life is a highway,” crooned Tom Cochrane, and “I want to ride it all night long.” Tico Times travel writers rode the highways of...

Honduras to convert US-built airbase into airport for capital

Honduras is to convert a U.S.-built military airbase northwest of its capital into a civilian airport to replace the city's current one, considered one of the most dangerous in the world, officials said Tuesday.

Up the Amazon River on a cargo boat

Chronicle of a three-day trip up the Amazon River from Leticia in Colombia to Iquitos in Peru on a cargo boat.

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