While Manuel Antonio is firmly established as an ecotourism destination, for so many of us, we forget that fishing has long been a way of life and subsistence for the local Quepos community.
Outward Bound Costa Rica's goal is to use activities such as whitewater rafting, scuba diving, surfing, trekking, and service projects as a means to promote decision-making and leadership.
“The biggest thing is knowing a service like ours is available and is helping to combat the epidemic of substance abuse and mental-health disorders. We are here to make a difference.”
This is one of the most important fishing tournaments, and boats from countries such as the United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Canada are participating to compete for the title.
Do you feel that you’re living in a world that’s moving faster, with more information needing your attention, and greater demands on your time? When was the last time you invested in your own professional development?
The Costa Rica USA Foundation for Cooperation (CRUSA), a nonprofit based in San José, will issue grants of up to $10,000 to organizations with notable, scalable and innovative plans in Costa Rica.