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Kiwi conservationist bitten by fer-de-lance in Costa Rica

The fer-de-lance, known locally a terciopelo, is a highly venomous pit viper. 

WHO, Costa Rica partner to combat snakebite mortality

WHO estimates 5.4 million snakebites occur each year, resulting in at least 1.8 million cases of envenoming (poisoning from snakebites) and 81,400 deaths. 

Costa Rica’s Best Snakebite Tips and Prevention

Tips on how to avoid a terciopelo attack and what to do in the unlikely event that you do get bitten.

New venomous snake species discovered in Costa Rica

The discovery brings the total number of snakes in Costa Rica to 143, of which 23 are venomous.

The Untold Story of Snake Conservation and Education in Costa Rica

Minor Camacho was showing me around the Serpentario Viborana, an exhibit of venomous vipers near Turrialba, when a man pulled up on a bicycle...

Monteverde herpetarium: Fall in love with snakes all over again

If you don't like spiders and snakes, you don't have what it takes to love this.

Look but don’t touch in Costa Rica: the eyelash viper

The eyelash viper is one of the most venomous snakes in Costa Rica. Local naturalists are fond of saying that most Costa Rican spiders won’t hurt you, but don’t mess with the snakes.

Nicaragua Bus Ride Turns Wild as 6-Foot Boa Joins Commuters

MANAGUA, Nicaragua – There have been snakes on a plane, and now there are snakes -- or at least one very big one -- on...

Costa Rican Study Reveals Why Snakebites Damage Muscle Tissue

Human muscle tissue can bounce back from almost any type of wound, but venomous snakes can inflict bites that eat away flesh and even kill...

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