In this week's installment of our World in Costa Rica series, Vitalina Matrossova tells the story of how a family vacation to escape a Russian winter turned into a major life change.
The $80 million T-72B tanks are a significant purchase for the hemisphere’s second poorest country, which spent $71.6 million total on its military in 2015, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
Vladimir Putin’s Russia, eager to return to superpower status, is increasingly trying to play out its conflict with the United Sates in Latin America while “profiting from weapons sales and challenging and provoking the USA,” Costa Rican social scientist Constantino Urcuyo told a U.S. congressional committee in Washington, D.C. last Thursday.
MOSCOW, Russia -- Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday said he would be glad to grant a request for Russian citizenship from U.S. boxer Roy...
"The National Endowment for Democracy participated in work to declare the results of election campaigns illegitimate, to organize political demonstrations aimed at influencing decisions taken by state institutions and to discredit service in the Russian armed forces," s statement said.
Eastern Europe, long a stronghold of virulent homophobia, is reexamining attitudes toward gays and lesbians, and the debate has become a new battleground in the conflict between Russia and the West.
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia – FIFA will meet with key sponsors Visa, McDonalds and Coca-Cola next month as world football's governing body continues to come under pressure following a series of corruption scandals.
During a moment of peak tensions between Colombia and Venezuela, Vladimir Putin told the late Hugo Chávez to count on his support if war broke out, according to a new biography of José Mujica, the popular ex-Uruguayan president who was close to his Venezuelan counterpart.