The Cocos Marine Conservation Area (ACMC) this month signed agreements with two organizations in order to improve the protection of Isla del Coco, an...
Artist and longtime resident Deirdre Hyde recalls her first visit to Costa Rica at 24 as the result of a British expedition's unusual rule. She's never looked back.
Celebrity conservationist Paul Watson filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Costa Rica before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, alleging politically-motivated criminal charges.
"Most of the ocean is cold and dark. Most of what is known about the ocean is in that upper 1,000 feet or so. You look at a spot on the map and if you only know what’s at the surface you don’t really know what’s going on, any more than you would know about New York City if you just looked at the tops of the buildings," said world-renowned oceanographer and explorer Sylvia Earle.
Campaign backers hope a speedboat will help park rangers better protect the island against illegal fishing. Donations can be made through text message, at banks and supermarkets, and at special collection events.