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Slothy Sunday: Wishing you a warm and cozy day

Tamalito the sloth is wishing you a happy Sloth Sunday!

Slothy Sunday: Starting the year with a slow, slothie BANG

Slothy Sunday is BACK for 2021! Here are four sloths who had a tough 2020 but are rebounding in 2021.

Sloth Sunday: End your weekend with a smile

Happy Sunday! We hope that you, like Grumpy the sloth, are ending your weekend with a smile. 

Slothy Sunday: The best present we can give this year? Being part of something bigger

For big wildlife fans, sloth fans, and altogether environment fans, symbolically adopting a wild animal from the Toucan Rescue Ranch can be the perfect gift.

Slothy Sunday: This just in — sloths are cute!

We visited Toucan Rescue Ranch in San Isidro, Costa Rica this week and are happy to confirm this breaking news. 

Slothy Sunday: I spy with my little eye… Sloths in sight!

After an eight-month break do to the coronavirus pandemic, you can now visit Toucan Rescue Ranch and meet their sloths in person!

Slothy Sunday: Because sometimes we just want to look at cute animals

Please enjoy this cute Costa Rica sloth picture and enjoy the rest of your weekend! 

Wild Rescues: Sloth mom & baby #Backinthetrees

A big thank you to Ben and Leia's symbolic adopters for supporting them on their rescue, rehab, and release journey.

Sloth Sunday: Praising the Slothlete winner of 2020!

The Sloth Ironman Games have come and gone, leaving nothing but praise for the best sloth athlete of this year’s competitions.

Sloth Sunday: Awarding the top sloths of the 2020 Ironman Games

Over the last five days, sloths at the Toucan Rescue Ranch have participated in grueling tests of strength and endurance as part of the 2020 Sloth Ironman Games.

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