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Costa Rica traditions

Celebrating Costa Rica Independence Day: Why the Lantern Parade?

When I was growing up, faroles – the handmade lanterns meant to symbolize the 19th-century journey that brought the message of Central American independence...

Was 2022 a Bad Year? Try a little Costa Rican Magic for a Lucky 2023

An old Tico belief holds that whatever you’re doing when the clock strikes 12 on Dec. 31 will characterize your year to come.

Celebrating Costa Rica Independence Day: Why the Lantern Parade?

When I was growing up, faroles – the handmade lanterns meant to symbolize the 19th-century journey that brought the message of Central American independence to Costa Rica – were simple constructions, made of paper.

Guanacaste: A Wealth of Costa Rica Traditions and Culture

Guanacaste’s wealth goes beyond its beautiful beaches and booming development. The northwestern province is one of Costa Rica’s biggest cultural storehouses in food, traditions...

Prepare to party: Costa Rica readies for Fiestas de Palmares 2020

The Palmares tope is one of the country’s most famous, with cowboys from all over the country turning up to show off their riding skills and sometimes other talents. 

Costa Rica’s National Oxcart Parade in Photos

The National Oxcart Parade celebrated Costa Rican history and traditions in the streets of San José.

When you wish upon a grape…

For 12 grapes, 12 wishes for the New Year. #tanlindaCostaRica #TTPicOfTheDay

A holiday filled with color and dance

Our daily Costa Rican moment of zen. #TanLindaCostaRica

Costa Rica in Photos: Celebrating independence in Limón

In Costa Rica's Caribbean port city of Limón, as in communities around the country, children and their parents took to the streets last night...

To the streets we go, bearing lanterns

Our daily Costa Rican moment of zen. #TanLindaCostaRica

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