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Costa Rica coffee

Starbucks Helps Coffee Farmers

Starbucks Coffee, the coffee giant with stores popping up in rapid succession around the world, offers technical support to Costa Rican coffee farmers from...

Study: Coffee Packed with Antioxidants

RESEARCHERS at the University ofScranton, in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania,have concluded that coffee is the numberone source of antioxidants compared tofruits, vegetables, red...

International Coffee Week Draws Industry Leaders

SOME 500 coffee executives areexpected to arrive in Costa Rica to attendthe 14th Annual International CoffeeWeek, to be held at the Hotel Herradura,northwest of...

Drop in Coffee Prices Worries Producers

IN the past four months, the price ofcoffee has dropped by $36.55 on the NewYork Stock Exchange – a fact that concernsCosta Rica’s many...

Savor Your Own Homegrown Coffee

COFFEE hascontributed to thecountry’s cultureand economy since1820, when landownersbegan plantingit and exportingit to Europe. Duringthe heyday ofcoffee production,in the 1980s, coffeefarmers here receivednearly $300for...

Starbucks Honors Tico Coffee Firm

MULTINATIONAL firm Starbucksgave the Beneficio La Candelilla Estate,in the southern Costa Rican town ofTarrazú, its Black Apron ExclusivesAward for exceptional coffee, the CostaRican Coffee...

Coffee-Roasting Facility Opens in Guanacaste

SUN Burst Coffee has announcedthe opening of its new roasting facility,seven kilometers west of the internationalairport in Liberia, in thenorthwestern province of Guanacaste.Sun Burst...

Costa Rica’s Teatro Nacional: The House that Coffee Built

“If you build it, they will come,” intoned Kevin Costner in the 1989 movie, “Field of Dreams. ”Turn the clock back almost a century....

New Coffee-table Book about Coffee

“LOS Recibidores y el Café enCosta Rica” documents the 3,000 coffee“collection barns” (recibidores) in thecountry. An initiative of the Institute ofTropical Architecture, the book...

Coffee Harvest Time in Costa Rica

It’s harvest time at Finca María Los Ángeles in San Rafaelde Heredia, a coffee farm that has been in proprietor Antonio García’s family for...

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