SOME 500 coffee executives areexpected to arrive in Costa Rica to attendthe 14th Annual International CoffeeWeek, to be held at the Hotel Herradura,northwest of San José, Nov. 12-16,according to a statement from theNational Coffee Institute (ICAFÉ).The event is intended to promote networkingwhile informing participantsabout different projects being developedwithin the industry, the statement said.This year, International Coffee Weekfeatures a south- and east-African coffeedealers’ association as a special invitedguest. The East and South Africa FineCoffees Association (EAFCA) is composedof coffee producers, millers andsellers from Burundi, the DemocraticRepublic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya,Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda,Zambia and Zimbabwe, and was foundedin Uganda to take advantage of Africanfine coffee’s potential, according to thestatement.The event also includes the 2005Grano de Oro (Golden Bean) art contest,featuring art relating to the social, culturaland labor aspects of coffee.